Bringing people to Christ by bringing Christ to people.

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Trinity HOPE Newsletter

News from Trinity HOPE

This is one of a series of articles which we make available each month to keep our supporters informed about our activities. Trinity HOPE, a not-for-profit charitable organization, raises funds and administers feeding programs that provide a noon meal for the hungry children who attend our schools in Haiti where the Good News of Jesus is shared daily.

P.O. Box 2910, Lebanon, TN 37088 ● [email protected] ● (615) 394-4950 ● Web Page: Trinity HOPE ● Facebook:Trinity HOPE

Lunchboxes and the Lord of HOPE

Rev. John Gierke

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38 NIV

Every September when I started school at Bethel Lutheran School in Westmont, IL, there was always a new assortment of lunchboxes that indicated what some of the latest fads or popular action heroes were that year with my fellow students. We brought our lunch every day in our lunchbox, except for Wednesdays, which were “hot lunch” days with BBQ sandwiches or hot dogs.

The children who attend schools fed through Trinity HOPE today don’t bring a lunchbox full of food every day as I did as a child. Many of them don’t have much, if any, food to spare at home. They might bring a bowl or plate to school, or the school has bowls and plates that they use every day to feed the children a meal of beans and rice, sometimes with some fish, provided by your donations through Trinity HOPE.

While it’s true that we have a number of children in our communities and schools in the United States that also need food assistance, it’s still nothing like it is for the children in Haiti, especially in the regions still directly affected by violence and political unrest.

When we started lunch at school, we would always pray, and so do the Haitian children as they gather for their school lunches provided through Trinity HOPE. Somethings are the same today as they were the first time I went 20 years ago, the children still “raise the roof” with their singing and prayers to Jesus, the Lord of HOPE!

While the children’s plates and bowls don’t have any of the latest “action heroes” or popular fads printed on them, they trust that Jesus is their everlasting Lord who provides them with food, forgiveness, and HOPE for the day and the life that is to come where there is a never-ending feast at the Lord’s Banquet Table! Thank you as you donate to Trinity HOPE to provide more than a lunchbox from the Lord – you provide a nutritious meal measured out with love and HOPE!