Bringing people to Christ by bringing Christ to people.

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Trinity HOPE Newsletter

News from Trinity HOPE

This is one of a series of articles which we make available each month to keep our supporters informed about our activities. Trinity HOPE, a not-for-profit charitable organization, raises funds and administers feeding programs that provide a noon meal for the hungry children who attend our schools in Haiti where the Good News of Jesus is shared daily.

P.O. Box 2910, Lebanon, TN 37088 ● [email protected] ● (615) 394-4950 ● Web Page: Trinity HOPE ● Facebook:Trinity HOPE

Mustard Seed

By Paul W. Meier

Jesus told a parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; itis the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown, it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” Matt. 13:31-32

Jesus told many parables about the kingdom of heaven. But it’s surprising that not many of them sound like the place we are going to go when we leave our physical bodies. How is the afterlife going to be like a mustardseed? The phrase “kingdom of heaven” can be understood better in different words. These words, in Aramaic, means something more like “the movement toward harmony, the development of unity, or the creative driving force toward the working together of all things.”

Don’t you imagine that heaven is going to be a place where we’re all working together, we’ll live in harmony, no one will be hungry or sick or homeless?

This makes me think of Trinity HOPE. It’s been creative. It’s been focused on a single, driving purpose—to bring hope and good news to the children of Haiti through a bowl of beans and rice.

Trinity HOPE is like a mustard seed planted of the kingdom planted seventeen years ago. It started small by bringing peace, hope, joy, kindness to one school. It grew to a second, then a third, then more. Today, with a lot of love and dedication from many people it has grown by the grace of God to be able to support over 62,000 children in its branches, bringing good news in the form of food for their bodies and Jesus for their spirits.

It takes a lot of people working together toward a common purpose to bring the kingdom of heaven to others. And it takes the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit to make it grow. God has blessed this work, and we pray that he will continue to use us to bring good news and the kingdom to the children in Haiti.

Prayer: O Lord our God, you have called us into your service to bring hope and good news to the children of Haiti.We need your guidance in all we do. Let your wisdom counsel us, your love empower us, and your arm support usas we bring the kingdom into their lives. We pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.