Bringing people to Christ by bringing Christ to people.

Every Sunday
8:00 am - Early Worship 9:30 am - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:45 am - Late Worship

Serving as a Greeter

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. ~Hebrews 13:2

greeters Serving as a Greeter is a privilege

 “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” ~Psalm 84:10b

Greeters play a vital role in welcoming every person who comes into the church. As a greeter, you help our guests form their first impression of Grace even before the first hymn begins. For information on how you can become a greeter contact the church office at 615-893-0338 or speak with the Pastor or an Elder.

Your call to serve as Greeter

Would you like to become better acquainted with those in your church family?

…serve as a church greeter and experience your church family from a whole new perspective!

 Greeters’ Goals

  • Two members are needed as greeters each Sunday before each service —one in the front of the church at the main doors and one in the back at the narthex entrance
  • Provide a warm smile, a handshake and a friendly welcome to all
  • Introduce self and be available for questions
  • Provide basic information
  • Introduce guests to the Ushers, the Pastor, or the Elders, or anyone else in the church family

 Greeters’ Responsibilities

  • Arrive 20-25 minutes prior to the start of worship
  • Open the door for each person
  • Greet each person with a warm hello
  • Introduce self to guests
  • Provide basic information
  • Location of bathrooms, water fountains, nursery, coat rack
  • Sunday school classrooms, adult Bible study, fellowship hall, coffee service
  • Offer guests the white “Guest Information” pamphlet located at the guest book station
  • Introduce guests to a Pastor or Elder and anyone else
  • Show the guests the Welcome Center and offer them to take any of the informational pamphlets; if time allows, take guests on a tour of the church
  • Invite guests to stay for Sunday school, adult Bible study and coffee fellowship
  • Invite guests to sign the guest book
  • Greet until after the first hymn so that those who arrive late will be welcomed


These are suggestions, not a list of rules to follow. The overall goal is simply to engage guests in conversation.

  • Consider introducing yourself along the lines of, “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m ____”. This is less awkward than assuming someone is a first-time guest when they’re not.
  • Do your best to remember names. This makes subsequent encounters and introductions to others more personal.
  • Listen carefully. People typically like to answer questions about themselves, which usually makes conversation easier than a one-sided “presentation” by the greeter.
  • Introduce guests to others, especially if they share something in common, e.g. being a student, a particular major or profession, being from a particular geographic area, etc. This also lets you move on and greet others.
  • If someone asks a question you can’t answer, acknowledge that and try to ask the Pastor or another member of the congregation who may be able to help.


  • flood guests with too much information.
  • try to get guests to commit to return.

Common questions

What time are your services? 8:00 and 10:45 a.m.
What time is Sunday school and adult Bible study? 9:30 a.m.
What age group is junior confirmation class? 7th and 8th graders
When is junior confirmation? During the school year on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
Do you have a nursery? We have an “on call” nursery attendant during Sunday school/ adult Bible study (9:30 a.m.) and the 10:45 a.m. service. You are more than welcome to take your child to the nursery and utilize the tv to watch and listen to the service during the service if needed.