Bringing people to Christ by bringing Christ to people.

Every Sunday
8:00 am - Early Worship 9:30 am - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:45 am - Late Worship

Bible Study

Adult Bible Study Opportunities Include:

Pastor Al is teaching a Bible study on the Gospel of Mark. It is being held on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour.

Join us in the large conference room for bible study where we are studying scripture references of several hymns in the Lutheran Service book. Namely, “Beautiful Savior”, “Amazing Grace”, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”, “Children of the Heavenly Father”, and “Crown Him with Many Crowns”.  Contact Chris Jones for more information.

Linda Hinkelmann is leading a Women’s Sunday Morning Bible Study “Really Bad Girls of the Bible” that meets in the Junior and Senior classroom between Sunday Worship Services.

The Monday night Bible study continues at 6:30pm. The topic will be the Book of Isaiah.

Pastor Heilmann’s Bible Study on the Book of Genesis is on Mondays, at 10am.

The new Young Adult Sunday Bible Study will be meeting during the Sunday School hour. Join us a deep dive into the readings and sermon of the day. Age 18-29 welcomed. Contact the office for more information.

Online Bible Studies

Who is Jesus?
Bible Studies and Devotions