Bringing people to Christ by bringing Christ to people.

Every Sunday
8:00 am - Early Worship 9:30 am - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:45 am - Late Worship

Nourish Food Bank

Bountiful Harvest 2024

Our next specialized food drive will be held in October, and it will be called Bountiful Harvest! Please watch for more information in the bulletins in the coming weeks.

Please place new, unopened items in the red soup can located in the narthex. Nourish Food Bank year-round needs are:

  • Canned meats: salmon, ham, spam, tuna, etc.
  • Canned vegetables: corn, carrots, green beans, etc.
  • Pasta: ramen, pasta, pasta sauce, ravioli, etc.
  • Canned fruit: fruit cocktail, fruit cups, etc.
  • Cereal and grains: oatmeal, breakfast cereal, rice, etc.
  • Staples: peanut butter, jelly
  • For backpacks individual servings: mac and cheese, beanie weenies, ramen, juice boxes, breakfast bars, fruit cups, etc.

Thank you for your generous support!

A sticker with the Bible verse from Proverbs 3:5 is placed on each donated item with the hope that each person who receives an item will read the verse and dig deeper into His love. As we are told, “His Word does not return void.” ~Isaiah 55:11. Thank you to all who have donated. Whether you donate or not, prayers are always welcome! If you have a moment, please offer a prayer to the One who hears all our prayers: Gracious God, You have provided us with everything we have. We ask that You bless these donations so that all who receive them read Your Word and the Spirit works in them so that they come to know You and hunger for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.