Bringing people to Christ by bringing Christ to people.

Every Sunday
8:00 am - Early Worship 9:30 am - Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:45 am - Late Worship

Portico – Baby Bottle Campaign



As an opportunity to partner with Portico, we have committed to running an annual Baby Bottle campaign. For some of the new members, this is where we distribute baby bottles in the congregation and ask that you consider depositing your spare change in them over a given time period. Checks made out to Portico will also be accepted. This year’s campaign will run between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

To learn and research Portico, please visit their website at Be sure to check out Facebook and the church web site as well as the bulletin announcements for more information regarding this campaign.

Portico (formally known as the Pregnancy Support Center) believes in the power of stories. Each person’s story is unique; the story God has written for each life…lives that are made in the very image of our God.

Portico’s mission is to reach out to women who are in a difficult chapter of their story because of an unplanned pregnancy. Sometime that is because of bad choices that were made; other times, it is through circumstances beyond her control. Either way, she is often convinced her story doesn’t matter, or that no one cares. Portico is a place of welcoming refuge; a place that will affirm and encourage her to recognize the value of her unborn child. It is a place where she will be loved and cared for, and where real help is provided and truth is lovingly spoken into her situation. Through this ministry, she can get through a difficult chapter of her story and feel hopeful about her future, ready to begin the next chapter of her life.

Jesus taught us the importance of each person in Matthew 18:12: “If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the 99 on the hills and go look for the one who wandered off?” How can we do less than love and care for each one… each life… that He entrusts to us?